Thursday, March 22, 2012

Just sharing 3

Life sucks when you have a good heart. You help too much. You trust too much. You give too much. And most importantly, you love too much.

How should I do it?

Assignments.ohh 2 assignments.2 tests..9am-10pm in the office..5 days a week this whole on weekends.maggi mee and pama as dinner.. I can't think straight.out of breath..

How do I do this? Need to straighten things up.thinking too much.brain is ..brain..

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Natural person

When u are treated as invisible..not even like a natural person..then what do u do?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Just sharing 2

Just because someone puts you down doesn't mean what they say is true, it only proves that you're better than them and their negativity.

Rock on!

Just sharing..

"@IslamSpeaks: His bounties never run out & there is no limit! Not only can He give you what you want, but He'll give you what is BEST for you! #islam"

Terlajak bagai bujang terlajak

Terlajak kereta lalu terlepas parking..boleh digostan.. Terlajak kata..?menghiris kalbu..menyiat hati..menghancurkan hati sehingga menjadi keping2 kecil bagai emping emping sambal yg suka dimakan mamaku ..cemana?


Game..are u game?

When your life reality is said to be a game.. What game? When the truth are just living your life.. Your usual game.

When all your life.. You are always chosen second or third or last or not chosen at all.. When you have the chance..don't you want to be the first one?the main one?the great the best the everything you can have. Haaaa... So what do you have to do? Fight for it? Or just let it be.. Be the last one again..the second third or not the one again?

When you have the chance, you'd grab it.when you don't.. YoU just continue living as usual. YoU're not pushy.not demanding.always compromising.But when you have the just won't , will not let go.

So is it a sickness or is it a game?

Or is it just you wanting to belong somewhere..

Well I believe god has great plans for everybody.everybody is destined for greatness.maybe now youre just full of bulls***t..who knows what you will turn out to be tomorrow..?

Have faith.and don't forget to say your du'a to Him for He listens to everything. even when you think nobody has any interest to listen to what you wanna say or have said.. He is there. Allah is for eternity.He was there. He is there. He will always be there. InsyaAllah.

So dun be sad. Get up and pray. Cleanse your soul.. You'll be A-Ok.


Monday, March 19, 2012

Not knowing.

Have it ever occured to u one fine day..what is it that you really want in life?

It occured to me too many times that I actually blocked it from my mind.I blurred.everytime it came turned me into a blank wood.hard on the outside.but nuthing on the inside. Such a sad thing I must say. Looking at my friends who have always known what they wanted to do and actually know wut they're doing.. Me.. I dun know anything..wut I wanted to do nor wut I am doing now.I envied them. Really. They're good at the things they'm below average if I have to rate myself.such a disappointment.. I know.

I just gave up talking to people abt this problem of mine. Usually ill end up feeling more frustrated than I did before. Even sadder than before. They say.. they just say..

When I was growing up..I wanted to be everything I heard my friends wanted to be..a engineer.a stewardess.haha. Yup even a stewardess.but never a teacher.nor a musician.I wanted to have lots of a great car.wear great somebody powerful. But everything was just angan-angan.because the truth is..the basic line is.. I don't know what I really wanted to be when I grow up. Now that I am a full grown woman.. I still don't know what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

I just don't know.letting ppl decide for me turned out to be a bad idea.which brings me to these ramblings abt me not knowing what I wanted to do with my life.. Not blaming anybody for me turning out this way.. I'm just frustrated with myself.I let myself down.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dissecting me

i have always thought that im a complex creature. not like shopping complex. or ya maybe like shopping complex in a way with many shops in it. where not all shops in the complex are great shops.Some are good.Some are ok.And some --horrible--dark,cold and messed up.

but what am i to do?there are things that is beyond our control.beyond our knowledge.sometimes even beyond our imagination. just live with it or do something about it?

trying to always be positive too sometimes i think is killing me. not everybody appreciates u  being that way. some appreciate u by taking advantage of your positivity. some just..just just..but why do we need to think of how do we want to be treated by others? is it because we want to be treated fairly by others? for what? for what we are? for what we did? does fairness really exist in this world? but for that  matter...i think whats important is.. u. Just u. if ure not happy with urself...then who will? others? put urself first..thats whats important.yourself.then maybe...others.

complex complex me.

Friday, March 2, 2012

feeling sea-food...

Hari-hariku kini ku habiskan tanpa nasik..ohh nasik betapa kamu membuatkanku gendut..:D...terpaksala kita berjauhan buat sementara waktu... padahal td mlm dah makan nasikdengansupseaweeddanayamkungpau (wah..cuba baca dlm senafas).. oklah...ini yg aku masak minggu-minggu lepas...hari-hari tanpa nasikku...layanja la no...

ikan.anda suka ikan?saya suka ikan.pakcik saya tak suka ikan.ikan bilihja dia suka..fussy!so masak sendiri.makan pun sendiri..ehhh bnyk ckp pulak..tengokla dulu gambarnya...

ini namanya baked dijon crusted salmon

angle carrot

angle broccoli
first time masak ni..first bite tu..terdetik dalam hati..seseseeseeeeedappppppnyaaaaa.........(terketar-ketar dalam hatila..) makan sambil menangis..sebab tak tahan sedap sgt.. makan ni for lunch...kenyangnya sampai ke tengah malam...ahahah..sep duit acik..terjebak beli salmon ni sebab tgk cantik ja dia tersusun kat JJ memanggil manggilja i (belila i belila i)...akak pun ambik..masuk plastik..bagi bro tu timbang..harga tk tgk..bayar terus..hahaha......
