Push Push Push..huh huh huh...
bukan nk beranak yer....
credits to google images |
This is actually how i look like most of the time when trying on new pants...
Felt like i needed a wardrobe revamp or update or apa-apa saja that got to do with new clothes. well this feeling usually datang..bila nk kluar ja..bukak almari..then poof..nuthing to wear.. bukan tk ada baju/sluar... but semuanya ketat..semuanya buatkan my muffin top tersembul sembul...haih..
Usually that moody mood comes rite after that. So, last week..went to pavillion... went into few kedai bajus...
saw a few pants...most of them..kain lembik..which will make me look like a christmas tree gone wrong.. :D..
I have to look for pants with the correct cutting to match my body shape..the pants has to have pockets at the back.if not wowovavavummm...ull be blind if u were to be standing or walking behind me. ;D
Tried on this slim cutting pants. took in size 6,8,10. size 6, can only fit one leg..and it goes up to only the start of my thigh..oh..dreammmm on!!!!!!!! size 8...both of my legs can fit in..but..pls refer picture above.size 10..its quite baggy and i t shudnt be baggy coz its a slim cut pants.its supposed to make the wearer feel slim. hahah... marah marah..
So i bought the size 8 ...and went home. at home..i have to readjust the buttons to a spot where i can button myself and unbutton it without having me to feel/look like a squished tomato. how sad... tell me...macam mana nk shopping kalau nk carik size pun tk ada...kena pakai sluar getah je la pasnih... :D
Tak apala...maybe i shud just shop for baking goods then..ahhh....feeling good already.