Sunday, March 27, 2011

im feeling pillow in the mouth...

Ha...pillow dlm mulut...bukan utk tidor...
ni pillow ni ha....

ni bantal yellow ku..

ha..ini kalau kena segigit..mmg burrrpppp pun bau durian...:D..ini namanya durian pancake ataupun durian pillow...

sedap hokkey..rasa durian...walaupun isi durian tu tkla bnyak...di mix together with whipped cream i think..

good combination la..n boleh la dimakan sebulan sekali..:D

brought to u by Sumptuous Desserts @ ikano 

try k? jangan tak p try...kena di try...sedap ok...!

satu box 6 biji pillow ni RM10..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Im feeling...pillow

have u ever talked to ur pillow before u go to bed every night?

me...while i was in school..secondary to be ustazah always tell me ..well us in the class to kindly ask our pillow to kinda wake us up in the morning...

well.. i did the exact thing she told me to every night until i graduated from university.. i dun know if its a coincidence or just a psychology thingy..but i managed to wake up every morning on time..anytime i want my pillow to wake me up ..

I've stopped doing it for a couple of years already..i guess im gonna start doing it again tonite..see wut happens..but pls have ur alarm clock as a back case ur pillow doesnt wake u up.. :D

picture taken/borrowed from here

Y dun u try it for ur self and tell me about it...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Roti roti @ Levain

Hi ho..hey Ho...

Have u ever been to this French Pastry Shop/Villa in Jalan Delima,KL...?? Its called "Levain"...

levain..cute rite??

if you have never been here before...pls..i beg u...pls do come here and experience the oh so goodness breads and pastas and macarons...

seafood pasta aglio oglio

a must try...yummmssss!!!!!


they have a wide selection of these cute lil sugary wonders..

our lil tray full of bread...yummilicious breads..soft breads..

 the flat pizza at the top left hand is sooo recommended..but selalu habis awal..

this is my personal favourite-- crispy walnut bread..try it..

 caramel almond croissant..and at the back...i cant remember :D

iced chocolate n my latte..

so...wut do u think??? nice huh?? so wut r u waiting for???
do visit Levain a.s.a.p...

p/s: the prices they so affordable...ull love this place

ohh also do try their maple loaf!!!!!!

its open 7 days a week, 8am - 8 pm...

Monday, March 14, 2011


I feel super bloatedDddd...
really? bloated? or am i just buncit?
the truth tummy rite now is actually sitting on my LAPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!

bad moooodddddd

Thursday, March 10, 2011

im feeLing...vegan

Hey Ho..Yo Yo...

mlm ni makan sendirian..
dahla pagi tadi butang seluar tercabot kan?
so mlm ni...tukar selera la...

I made grilled veges with pita bread for dinner tonite...

amacam? nk segigit tak? :D 

ok..kasi tengok dekat sikit...

Aha...nampak sangat aku menipu kan? Vegans cannot eat my sandwich..coz its loaded with cheese and sebatang sosej!!!!! ahahahahhaha....

Nevertheless..still yummy!!!!

sini recipenyer...

takla ikut sebijik sejibab recipenyer....ikut bahan apa yg ada di dapur saja..



busy bersiap utk ke ofis..
puk pak puk pak..bent down to kiss my kitties...

"tut" ada bunyi....

guess wut bunyi apa??

Button Seluarku TERcabot!!!!!~~

credits to google images

OMG...apakah maksudnya ini??? adakah aku gemok?

so wut..teruskan pergi bekerja..setakat satu button tercabot...ahahhaha

(reality check : i feel bloated it bloated or just plain bunchit and im in denial?)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Im FeeliNg...Round and Round...


Lepas kenyang makan nasik Ganja, me and my friends gerak gerak ke cameron highlands for some de-stressing sessions ..pusing punya pusing..sampaila berinchang...stayed in berinchang for 2 nites..

well..u know me..kat mana2 pun boleh berpesta our last day in Cameron, we went to Boh's Tea Farm..betol ke tea farm? ladang teh je la.. :D

Over there, I had hot passionfruit tea...ahhhh..reFREshing!!

So here are the food we had at their cafe...

ini buttery butter cake..soooo buttery...

ini strawberry jam tart ke apa tah -- delish!!~

scones... sedap ok!

ini coconut tart... sedap.

ini dimakan bersama scones kat atas tadi tu...

ok..panorama ladang teh Boh..haaaa..bestgila kotttttt
I love Cameron Highlands...Rasa cam nk pindah sini ja..aman..sejuk..nyaman..haaaaaaaaa

Nak datang lagi pls!!!!~

im feeling...WeEeEeE....Im high!!!!

ini dia... Nasik Ganja , Ipoh @ Nasik Kandar di Penang...
Nampak sedap tak??? Wohhh...ini namanya Nasik Ganja.Boleh didapati di bandar Ipoh-payRock..
OMG wa cakap lu...sodap..tangan lu berbau kari sehari semalam..wohhhhhhhh...
Yang wa tau..nasik ganja ni ada dua cawangan..satu vanggey..satu lagik kat kedai kopi yong suan..
utk lebih peeling feeling..datang ahh kedai kopi yong suan ni..marvellous wa ckp lu....feeling ol skool yall...
ahahah dr rock rock ber wa wa..tetiba hip hop yall pulak..
aha..dtg sendirila ke ipoh utk merasakan/mengexperience sendiri jari anda berbau kari sehari semalam.
ayam masak merah dia..kuah dia sedap ...and the coconut sambal...wush..terbaik..terbaik...

Datang jgn tk datang...and sila datang awal..lepas pukul 5..confirm habis..ok?

Yong Suan Coffee Shop , Jalan Yang Kalsom , Ipoh
Kedai vanggey -  Greentown,Ipoh..


im feeLing...Mango mingo...

guess wut i had for dinner tonite??



jeng jeng jeng...

picture taken from google...
ini dia namanya -- mango atau mangga dlm bahasa melayu atau dalam bahasa kedah..pelam :D

huh..another step to slimness hahahahhaha not!!!!!

another step to kehidupan yg lebih sehat....yeah..

Im feeLing... Oi!!!!! PLease take my muffin top away!!!

please please..could you please...
please take my muffin top away from me.....
my muffin top is HUGE!!!!
sumthing like dis ...refer picture below
its sad rite? ya I know..tell me about it.
i can never wear my baby-tees anymore..
i literally wear maternity clothes when i go out....
uh-no...i dun wanna look pregnant when im ACTUALLY NOT!!!! :D
oh im having a breakdown.....

wut i need to do now rite and workout..
gotta figure out how when my main obsession is food...
no more excuses..too busy... excuses..
ok that's all..
thank you :D