Portuguese Egg Tart.. Its round, kembung , and sweet...just like me ..Well dats wut my pakcik said...
I've been wanting to make these tarts for aggggggeeeessssss...but ..asyik terbantut jek...
So since all the ingredients to make these tarts are super complete...i thought..y not make them tonite..since my pakcik tak balik balik from the office lagik..heavy downpour..pity him..
Went into my humble little kitchen...and taddddddaaaaa!!!!!!!!~
(after 30 minutes of baking inside the oven)
Enuff of yellowness as pemanis mulut...now we proceed to the main dish for the nite...
Spaghetti Bolognese ala muah...:D
Macam dah berpakat ja nk masak ni..pilih kumpulan makanan yg same colour theme..
I will usually make the bolognese sauce for 4 people..and my "encik fussy eater" aka pakcik will usually finish up to 1/2 of the whole pot the night itself..and will bring another quarter to work tomorrow..
And for me...quarter saja...since i want to diet so much...
.........but tak slim pon...:D