Tuesday, December 28, 2010

one day one recipe...


heres wut i had for dinner tonite..

 ini sayur peria campur bendi campur carrot digoreng dgn telur
 ini pula ayam sambal kicap

wahh..semangatkan saya makan? mmg semangat...lauk2 di atas dimakan bersama brown rice(sedapkan hati)..

oh well..janji perut kenyang..tp hatiku susah sebab berat badan makin menaik..tkmau turun2...adoihai..tp masakkan sendiri sedap sgt..ahahhaah...not!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I wanna fight my muffintop!!!!!

Ho ho ho...

I hate my muffin top...
I am now in fight mode against muffin top..
Will i ever get rid of my muffin top?
We will see..

I hate my muffin top!!!!!

image by google images

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hey ho Hello

Its been a while eh blog..?
Been very busy....
Dun really know wut ive been doing..but all i can say is..im suuuuuuuuupeeeeeerrrrrrrr busyyyyyyyyyyyyy....and super fat too...
and i dun wanna turn out like this ...refer picture..

picture taken from the net

Friday, May 14, 2010

Im feeling sweet and spicy..

Malam ni kita makan apa?
Kita makan. haiwan yg chubby dan gebu yg digoreng garing lalu disalut kuah manis kepedasan..haaaa....

apa yg penting?
yang penting.. pakcik makan...sampai ke tulang...

this recipe is a keeper..

macam biasa...sayur harusla utk me alone..

telur dadar bawang..memang wajib..

brown rice for me...yela..for my weight battle kan... :D

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Im feeling mee kuning..

Today back from work..penat lagik..

So pakcik..being nice..offered nak masak..

Haih..macam orang mengantok kena sogok bantal.. I siad OKKKAAYYYY!!!! instantly...YEAY!!~

Pakcik goreng mee..I am sgt fussy when it comes to mee kuning..coz.I will only eat mee kuning yg dimasak ibu saya...orang lain masak..wa bo layan.. :D

But now..sudah tidak perlu tunggu ibu saya masak mee..coz pakcik ni pon boleh masakkan mee utk saya..

So sgt happy..Dan sgt panas perut.. Y? Sebab mee gorengannya sgt pedas hokkayyy!!!! Tapi..sodapp daaa...

Thanx Pakcik...!!~

Im feeling Kantansss...

Hello hello....

Been very busy at the office...
Sangat busy sampai balik umah dah tk larat nk buat apa..
Bukan setakat masak...exercise lagila...ke laut pulau hantu mana tah la haih...

Nasib baik ada pakcik..
Diala yg masak.. ala main dish jek dia masak..
Side dishes..akak gak yg kena masak :D

Jom tengok ..wut we had for dinner..

Nasik goreng bunga kantan and kacang panjang..

Veges..For me..

 Sotong tempura..Saja nak try tepung tempura tu..

Alhamdulillah!!!! Kenyang..
Masak lagi k pakcik!!!

Im feeling puffy!!~

My kak besar has been telling me about susah nak get her hands on good tasting cream puffs..
I told her..apa susah..beli sajala kat bakery..
But she said..ala susahla..tak sedap..u try buatla ..

Haha..who does she think i am?? Cream puff wizard??

No!!! Im nigella wannabe!!! :D

So here is the cream puff I made..Sedap or not ?? dunno..
For me..they were alright..for I did not grow up loving them too much..

Taddaaaa!!!! Cream puff ala muah...

Wut do u think of my puffs?? Ok la kan...for my first try...Firt time using the piping bag okkkk!!!!!! :D
They were fun to make..Lov them lots !!~ :D

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Im feeling singapore-ish...

Malam ni lazy nak bernasik bagai...so browsed my recipe book (ya i dun know all my recipes by heart)...and came across with this "Bihun Singapore" recipe..

Simple...Easy and most importantly...Sedap...
my pakcik yang request for the sausages ok..
sausages for him...veges for me...

Im feeling...east meets west...

For breakfast today...I made these pancakes...

Thank u makcik Nigella...!!~

Then for lunch...i made a special type of nasik...which i longed to try for ever!!~

 pink is hujan
kuning is panas
putih is me .. :D

served with ayam masak merah and acar timun and tomato..

and pakcik's verdict...? 

Im feeling juicy juice...

My pakcik bought me this "I call it super blender"...

and look at the fruit juices this "super blender" made me....



For now..itu saja..I believe..there will be more to come!!!!~

Yeay Juice!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Im feeLing...

its my birthday today and i feel -- feel-less.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Im feeling...Nasikkeyyyy

Harini..tekak melayu sudah mai...
And guess wut...my pakcik yang masak tonite..
im off duty..heee :D

Set makan malam yg lengkap..
He made ayam masak merah..vege for me.. and soup with lots of tomatoes...for me too..
nyummy nyummy...

a lot more yummy when u can just sit back..and relax...and..poof!!!~


dinner is served!!!!!!~

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Im feeling...super ORANGE!!!!!!

My house is filled with the smell of ohhhh sweeeettttt orange..waiting to come out of the oven...hmmmm ...yummmm yumm...
tho im a bit pening...but the smell of baked orange muffin/cake...calms me...hmmmmm....

wut a feeling...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Im feeling...blue....

Wut shud i cook tonite??
Rice ? -- but im on diet...:D
Apa mau masak niiii????
If it was up to me...hmmm...porridge saja...
coz i lurve lurve lurve.....porridge...
Tp..dinner usually involves org - org tersayang...
Therefore...ala....wut to cook????

Friday, February 26, 2010

Im feeling colourful....but not dat colourful...

While I was at work today..suddenly thought bout dinner tonite..hmmm wut shall i cook for my big tummy and for encik fussy eater's tummy..? I want sumthing simple ..satisfying..yummy..healthy...and.......pizza came into my mind...hmmm..y not kan?

after work..went to buy ingredients for the toppings...and also ready made pizza base... mana ada enuff time nk buat sendiri base pizza tu....

masuk dapur...tung tang tung tang tung tang ......

dahhhhh....after 20 minutes or so in the oven....

 it looks more like a flat cake with mushrooms and sausages for its toppings....

oh..i made the sauce from scratch...

pakcik's verdict -- "emmm...richnya sauce dia...."

so boleh buat lagi tak pakcik???

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My quote of the day....im feeling kicapey...

Kicap aka soy sauce...life to most of my dishes..
Therefore..my pakcik = kicap to me ....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Im feeling yellow..and Orangey...

Portuguese Egg Tart.. Its round, kembung , and sweet...just like me ..Well dats wut my pakcik said...
I've been wanting to make these tarts for aggggggeeeessssss...but ..asyik terbantut jek...
So since all the ingredients to make these tarts are super complete...i thought..y not make them tonite..since my pakcik tak balik balik from the office lagik..heavy downpour..pity him..

Went into my humble little kitchen...and taddddddaaaaa!!!!!!!!~

(after 30 minutes of baking inside the oven)

Enuff of yellowness as pemanis mulut...now we proceed to the main dish for the nite...
Spaghetti Bolognese ala muah...:D

Macam dah berpakat ja nk masak ni..pilih kumpulan makanan yg same colour theme.. 
I will usually make the bolognese sauce for 4 people..and my "encik fussy eater" aka pakcik will usually finish up to 1/2 of the whole pot the night itself..and will bring another quarter to work tomorrow..
And for me...quarter saja...since i want to diet so much...
.........but tak slim pon...:D